Buddhaimonia Direct eBook Purchase and Download Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the eBook come in EPUB or MOBI formats?

A: Yes. Keep in mind, though, that the PDF version retains the originally intended book design and layout, so if you have no particular reading preference my suggestion would be to read the PDF version as it is usable on all devices via the instructions in this section. A fully optimized EPUB and MOBI file are provided as well though so suit all reading preferences.

Q: How do I listen to the audiobook?

A: Simply drag and drop the MP3 files into your iTunes (or other program) library, sync your iPhone/iPad/other device if you'd like to listen on your phone/tablet, or burn the files onto a CD. Nothing more to it!

Q: I bought the book and downloaded it, now how do I get it on my iPad/iPhone?

A: That mostly depends on what file format you prefer reading. The MOBI, for instance, is readable from the Kindle Reading app. The EPUB is readable from the iBooks app. In both cases, simply emailing yourself the file and then downloading the attachment from your smartphone or tablet will allow you to open the respective book file on your preferred app.

As far as the PDF is concerned, it's about the same as with EPUB and MOBI. You can read PDFs on your iPad and iPhone through just about any eBook and PDF reading app, but you need to first give your iPad access to the file. To add a PDF to your iPad/iPhone from your computer, simply email it to yourself or drop it in your cloud storage service like Dropbox or iCloud and then open it in your app of choice. Here are the exact steps:

From your computer, e-mail yourself the PDF as an attachment OR drop the PDF into your cloud storage service (Dropbox, iCloud, etc.) if you have one. From your iPad/iPhone, open the e-mail OR open your cloud service app, locate the file, and download the PDF attachment.

Once it's been downloaded, tap the PDF file to open it. Once it opens, there will be an arrow in the top right-hand corner, tap that and choose, "Open in..." (the icon with the app store symbol), then choose which app to open it in (it will show iBooks as well as the Kindle app if you have it). The PDF is now saved in your iBooks/Kindle/other app of choice and ready to be opened. For more detailed instructions, click here.


Q: I just purchased the book, now what?

A: You'll be automatically directed to the download page where you can download all digital files. You'll also get a separate email with the download link as well.

Q: I never received an email with a download link. What now?

A: Simply email Matt (at) buddhaimonia (dot) com, let me know which edition of This Momentyou purchased, and I'll send it to you ASAP.

Q: Is this book in print format?

A: Yes!  Click here to check out the paperback editions.

Digital versions work on all mobile devices, tablets, and computers.  Also, you're more than welcome to print the eBook out on your home or office printer (it's easily printable)!

Q: How do I read the PDF on my Kindle/Nook?

A: There's 2 methods:
*Method #1, Kindle or Nook: Simply plug your Kindle/Nook into your computer via its USB cord, locate the "My Documents" folder, and drop in the PDF file. These steps are identical for both any Kindle as well as Nook. 

If you have any questions click here (Kindle) 
or here (Nook). 

*Method #2, Kindle Only: Simply attach the PDF to an email and send it to your Kindle email address to have it show up in your Kindle library on your device. You can do it from nearly anywhere, so it's pretty convenient. If you have any questions click here.

Q: If I bought the eBook/paperback, and I'm interested in upgrading to the Premium or Ultimate Premium Editions, is that possible?

A: Absolutely. Whether you purchased the ebook or paperback editions, just send me an email at Matt (at) buddhaimonia (dot) com and I'll send you a link to the upgrade page where you can purchase the desired edition and download the bonuses.