My New Book, This Moment, is Now Available for Pre-Order! (Coming February 29th)

This Moment Pre-order post (1)

It's been more than 6 months in the making, but my new book, This Moment: How to Live Fully and Freely in the Present Moment, is almost here!

The book is now available for pre-order at and pre-orders have already begun rolling in. I couldn't be more excited to bring the book to you, it turned out far better than I had originally imagined.

The book is huge, roughly 50% larger than my last book, Zen for Everyday Life, which was big in itself. In the book, I cover every important principle I've found from a combination of my study of the world's wisdom traditions, life, writing and working with so many of you here on Buddhaimonia, and through my personal practice. I leave no stone unturned and no question unanswered, at least as best as I feel I can answer right now.

In it, I cover what I consider to be the four major principles for the realization of "it". That is, what we all want- peace, freedom, happiness. However you choose to describe it, they're all different shades of the same thing.

The basis for the book is the realization that there was more at play to the path of living peace and happiness than just mindfulness. As my practice began to develop, and as I continued to write here and talk with so many of you, I noticed certain key principles emerge that were just as important as mindfulness. It was then that I began piecing together this more "complete" practice for walking the path to peace and happiness.

The book will be officially released on February 29th (next Monday, as of the day this post will go live), but you can pre-order it now by going to You can also check out the different editions (including eBook, paperback, and you can even get the audiobook, plus a lot of cool bonus material to take the book even further), learn more about the book, and get 2 free sample chapters there as well.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the book so far, I deeply appreciate it! Be on the lookout for This Moment February 29th!

Pre-order This Moment today